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Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solved Examples

Exercise 3.6

NCERT Exercise 3.7

The ages of two friends Ani and Biju differ by 3 years. Ani's father Dharam is twice as old as Ani and Biju is twice as old as his sister Cathy. The ages of Cathy and Dharam differ by 30 years. Find the ages of Ani and Biju.


Let Ani's age be $x$ years and Biju's age be $y$ years.
The difference between the ages of Biju and Ani is 3 years. Either Biju is 3 years older than Ani or Ani is 3 years older than Biju.
$x = y + 3$ [If Ani is older than Biju]
$y = x + 3$ [If Biju is older than Ani]

Age of Ani's father = $2x$ years

Age of Cathy = $\dfrac{y}{2}$ years

Case I When Ani is older than Biju

$x = y + 3$
$⇒ x - y = 3$-----(i)

Difference in ages of Ani's father and Cathy is 30 years.
∴ $2x - \dfrac{y}{2} = 30$
⇒ $4x - y = 60$-----(ii)

Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
$3x = 57$ ⇒ $x = 19$

Substituting $x = 19$ in equation (i), we get
$19 - y = 3$ ⇒ $y = 16$

Therefore, Ani is 19 years old and Biju is 16 years old.

Case II When Biju is older than Ani

$y = x + 3$
$⇒y - x = 3$-----(iii)

Difference in ages of Ani's father and Cathy is 30 years.
∴ $2x - \dfrac{y}{2} = 30$
⇒ $4x - y = 60$-----(iv)

Adding (iii) and (iv), we get
$3x = 63$ ⇒ $x = 21$

Substituting $x = 21$ in equation (iii), we get
$y - 21 = 3$ ⇒ $y = 24$

Therefore, Ani is 21 years old and Biju is 24 years old.

One says, "Give me a hundred, friend! I shall then become twice as rich as you". The other replies, "If you give me ten, I shall be six times as rich as you". Tell me what is the amount of their (respective) capital? [From the Bijaganita of Bhaskara II]
[Hint: x + 100 = 2 (y - 100), y + 10 = 6(x - 10)].


Let the first friend has ₹$x$
And the second fiend has ₹$y$

When second friend gives ₹100 to first friend,
$x + 100 = 2(y - 100)$
$x + 100 = 2y - 200$
$x - 2y = -300$ -----(i)

When first friend gives ₹10 to second friend,
$y + 10 = 6(x - 10)$
$y + 10 = 6x - 60$
$6x - y = 70$ -----(ii)

Multiplying equation (ii) by 2, we get
$12x - 2y = 140$ -----(iii)

Subtracting equation (i) from equation (iii), we get,
$11x = 440$ ⇒ $x = \dfrac{440}{11} = 40$

Substituting $x = 40$ in equation (i), we obtain,
$40 - 2y = -300$
$2y = 300 + 40$
$y = 170$

Therefore, first friend has ₹40 and second friend has ₹170

A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train would have been 10 km/h faster, it would have taken 2 hours less than the scheduled time. And if the train were slower by 10 km/h; it would have taken 3 hours more than the scheduled time. Find the distance covered by the train.


Let the uniform speed of the train be $x$ km/h and the scheduled time to travel the given distance be $t$ hours.

Then the distance travelled will be $x × t$ km

Case I When the train were 10 km/h faster, it would have taken 2 hours less than the scheduled time.
$(x + 10)(t - 2) = xt$
$xt - 2x + 10t - 20 = xt$
$-2x + 10t = 20$ -----(i)

Case II When the train were 10 km/h slower, it would have taken 3 hours more than the scheduled time.
$(x - 10)(t + 3) = xt$
$xt + 3x - 10t - 30 = xt$
$3x - 10t = 30$ -----(ii)

Adding equations (i) and (ii), we get,
$x = 50$

Substituting $x = 50$ in equation (i), we obtain,
$-2 × 50 + 10t = 20$
$10t = 120$ ⇒ $t = 12$

Therefore, the distance $= x × t$ = $50 × 12 = 600$

Hence, the distance covered by the train is 600 km

The students of a class are made to stand in rows. If 3 students are extra in a row, there would be 1 row less. If 3 students are less in a row, there would be 2 rows more. Find the number of students in the class.


Let number of rows by $x$ and number of students in each row by $y$

Then number of students in the class will be $xy$
Case I If 3 students are extra in a row, there would be 1 row less

$(y + 3)(x - 1) = xy$
$xy + 3x - y - 3 = xy$
$3x - y = 3$-----(i)

Case II If 3 students are less in a row, there would be 1 row more

$(y - 3)(x + 2) = xy$
$xy - 3x + 2y - 6 = xy$
$-3x + 2y = 6$-----(ii)

Adding equations (i) and (ii), we get
$y = 9$

Substituting $y = 9$ in equation (i), we obtain
$3x - 9 = 3$
$3x = 12 ⇒ x = 4$

Therefore, number of students in the class is $xy$ = $4 × 9 = 36$.

In a ΔABC, C = 3 B = 2(A + B). Find the three angles.


Let the measurement of A be $x$° and that of B by $y$°

Using the information given in the question,
C = 3 B = 2(A + B)
C = 3 $y$ = 2($x$ + $y$)
C = 3 $y$ = $2x$ + $2y$
∴ $2x - y = 0$ -----(i)

We know that sum of measures of all angles of a triangle is 180°

A + B + C = 180°

As C = 3 B
A + B + 3B = 180°
A + 4B = 180°
$x + 4y = 180$ -----(ii)

Multiplying equation (i) by 4, we get
$8x - 4y = 0$ -----(iii)

Adding (i) with (iii), we obtain
$9x = 180 ⇒ x = 20$

Substituting $x = 20$ in equation (i), we get
$2 × 20 - y = 0$
$⇒ y = 40$

A = $x$° = 20°
B = $y$° = 40°
C = 3B = $3y$° = 120°

Draw graphs of equations $5x - y = 5$ and $3x - y = 3$. Determine the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by these lines and the $y$ axis.


To draw a graphical representation for the given equations, let us find a few points on the lines representing each equation.

For equation $ 5x - y = 5$ Pair of Linear Equations

For equation $ 3x - y = 3$ Pair of Linear Equations

We will plot both the equations on the graph.

Pair of Linear Equations

In the graph above, it can be observed that the required triangle formed by these two equations and $y$ axis is Δ ABC.

The coordinates of the triangle are A(0, -3), B(0, -5) and C(1, 0)

Solve the following pair of linear equations:

$px + qy = p - q$
$qx - py = p + q$

$ax + by = c$
$bx + ay = 1 + c$

$\dfrac{x}{a} - \dfrac{y}{b} = 0$
$ax + by = a^2 + b^2$

$(a - b)x + (a + b)y = a^2 - 2ab - b^2$
$(a + b)(x + y) = a^2 + b^2$

$152x - 378y = -74$
$-378x + 152y = -604$


$px + qy = p - q$ -----(i)
$qx - py = p + q$ -----(ii)

Multiplying equation (i) by $p$ and (ii) by $q$, we get
$p^2x + pqy = p^2 - pq$ -----(iii)
$q^2x - pqy = pq + q^2$ -----(iv)

Adding equations (iii) and (iv), we obtain
$p^2x + q^2y = p^2 + q^2$
$⇒ (p^2 + q^2)x = p^2 + q^2$
$⇒ x = 1$

Substituting $x = 1$ in equation (i), we get
$p + qy = p - q$
$qy = -q ⇒ y = -1$

Therefore $x = 1$ and $y = -1$

$ax + by = c$ -----(i)
$bx + ay = 1 + c$ -----(ii)

Multiplying equation (i) by $a$ and equation (ii) by $b$, we obtain,

$a^2x + aby = ac$ -----(iii)
$b^2x + aby = b + bc$ -----(iv)

Subtracting equation (iv) from (iii), we get,

$a^2x - b^2x = ac - b - bc$
$(a^2 - b^2)x = ac - b - bc$

$⇒ x = \dfrac{ac - b - bc}{a^2 - b^2}$

Substituting value of $x$ in equation (i),
$ax + by = c$
$⇒ a × \dfrac{ac - b - bc}{a^2 - b^2} + by = c$

$⇒ \dfrac{a^2c - ab - abc}{a^2 - b^2} + by = c$
$⇒ by = c - \dfrac{a^2c - ab - abc}{a^2 - b^2}$
$⇒ by = \dfrac{a^2c - b^2c - a^2c + ab + abc}{a^2 - b^2}$
$⇒ by = \dfrac{- b^2c + ab + abc}{a^2 - b^2}$
$⇒ y = \dfrac{- bc + a + ac}{a^2 - b^2}$

$x = \dfrac{ac - b - bc}{a^2 - b^2}$ $= \dfrac{c(a - b) - b}{a^2 - b^2}$
$y = \dfrac{- bc + a + ac}{a^2 - b^2}$ $= \dfrac{c(a - b) + a}{a^2 - b^2}$

$\dfrac{x}{a} - \dfrac{y}{b} = 0$ -----(i)
$ax + by = a^2 + b^2$ -----(ii)

From equation (i), we get
$\dfrac{x}{a} - \dfrac{y}{b} = 0$
$bx - ay = 0$
$⇒ x = \dfrac{ay}{b}$ -----(iii)

Substituting value of $x$ in equation (ii), we obtain
$ax + by = a^2 + b^2$
$⇒a × \dfrac{ay}{b} + by = a^2 + b^2$
$⇒\dfrac{a^2y + b^2y}{b} = a^2 + b^2$
$⇒ y = b$

Substituting value of $y$ in equation (iii), we get
$x = \dfrac{ay}{b} = \dfrac{ab}{b}$
$⇒ x = a$

Hence, $x = a$ and $y = b$

$(a - b)x + (a + b)y = a^2 - 2ab - b^2$ -----(i)
$(a + b)(x + y) = a^2 + b^2$ -----(ii)

Equation (ii) can be re-written as
$(a + b)(x + y) = a^2 + b^2$
$⇒ (a + b)x + (a + b)y = a^2 + b^2$ -----(iii)

Subtracting equation (iii) and (i), we get,

$(a - b)x + (a + b)y = a^2 - 2ab - b^2$
$(a + b)x + (a + b)y = a^2 + b^2$
$(a - b)x - (a + b)x = -2ab - 2b^2$
$(ax - bx - ax - bx = -2ab - 2b^2$
$ - 2bx = -2ab - 2b^2$
$x = a + b$

Putting value of $x$ in equation (i), we get,
$(a - b)x + (a + b)y = a^2 - 2ab - b^2$
$⇒ (a - b) × (a + b) + (a + b)y = a^2 - 2ab - b^2$
$⇒ a^2 - b^2 + (a + b)y = a^2 - 2ab - b^2$
$⇒ (a + b)y = - 2ab$
$⇒ y = \dfrac{- 2ab}{a + b}$

Hence $x = a + b$ and $y = \dfrac{- 2ab}{a + b}$

$152x - 378y = -74$ -----(i)
$-378x + 152y = -604$ -----(ii)

Subtracting equation (ii) from (i), we obtain,
$152x - 378y = -74$
$-378x + 152y = -604$
$530x - 530y = 530$
$⇒ x - y = 1$
$⇒ x = y + 1$ -----(iii)

Putting the value of $x$ in equation (i), $152(y + 1) - 378y = -74$
$⇒ 152y + 152 - 378y = -74$
$⇒ -226y = -226$
$⇒ y = 1$

Putting value of y in equation (iii),
$x = y + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2$

Hence $x = 2$ and $y = 1$

ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral (see Fig. 3.7). Find the angles of the cyclic quadrilateral.

Pair of Linear Equations


We know that the sum of the measures of opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral is 180°

A + C = 180°
$(4y + 20) + (-4x) = 180$
$-4(x - y) = 160$
$x - y = -40$ -----(i)

B + D = 180°
$(3y - 5) + (-7x + 5) = 180$
$-7x + 3y = 180$
$7x - 3y = -180$ -----(ii)

Multiplying equation (i) by 3, we get,
$3x - 3y = -120$ -----(iii)

Subtracting equation (iii) from (ii), we get,
$4x = -60$
$x = -15$

Substituting $x = -15$ in equation (i), we obtain
$-15 - y = -40$
$y = 25$

A = $4y + 20$ = $4 × 25 + 20$ = 120°
B = $3y - 5$ = $3 × 25 - 5$ = 70°
C = $-4x$ = $-4 × -15$ = 60°
D = $-7x + 5$ = $-7 × -15 + 5$ = 110°