
Structural analysis is the process of breaking words down into their basic parts to determine word meaning.
This type of analysis of Sanskrit words is very helpful as it helps in building a powerful vocabulary by knowing a few word parts. Although prefixes and suffixes may change word meanings significantly, one can still understand the word meaning if the root word is familiar.

Below, we explore some Sanskrit words by breaking them down into prefixes, roots and suffixes.

Mandala Mandala

अव्युष्टा (अव्यु॑ष्टा॒ in Rigveda II, 28, 9)

The word अव्युष्टा can be split as अ + वि + उष्टा

उष्टा is a past passive participle of उषस् which means "dawn".
व्युष्टा means a dawn that has fully flashed forth in sunrise.
अ in अव्युष्टा is used to negate the above meaning of व्युष्टा.

Thus, the word अव्युष्टा means 'a dawn that has not fully flashed forth in sunrise'.

Mandala Mandala

न गमन्त्यन्तम् (Taittiriya Brahamana II, 5, 6, 5)

The word गमन्त्यन्तम् can be split as गमन्ति + अन्तम्

गमन्ति means 'go (to)'
अन्तम् means 'end'
Hence गमन्त्यन्तम् means 'go to an end' or 'get teminated'

न is used to negate the above meaning of गमन्त्यन्तम्.

Thus, the phrase न गमन्त्यन्तम् means 'do not go to an end' or 'do not terminate'.

Mandala Mandala

न त्वावाँ अन्यो दिव्यो न पार्थिवो (Rigveda VII, 32, 23)

The word त्वावाँ (त्वावान्) means 'like you'
न अन्यो means 'no one else'
दिव्यो means in 'द्युलोक' or 'in heaven'
पार्थिवो means 'on earth'

Thus, the phrase न त्वावाँ अन्यो दिव्यो न पार्थिवो means 'There is no one like you in heaven or on earth'.

Mandala Mandala

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