
Term Description
Drekkana Drekkana refers to one-third of a zodiac sign, or 10 degrees. It is also known as the D3 chart.
Exaltation Exaltation refers to the zodiac sign where a planet is considered to be at its strongest and most beneficial state, expressing its energies in a positive and amplified manner.
Kalpa Kalpa means 4,320,000,000 Sidereal years
Lagna Lagna is the ascendant or the rising sign at the time of a person's birth.
The lagna represents the eastern horizon at the exact moment of an individual's birth and is one of the most crucial factors in constructing a birth chart or horoscope.
Mool Trikona Mool Trikona is a concept used to assess the strength of a planet in a birth chart. The term translates to "root triangle".
It refers to specific degrees within a zodiac sign where a planet is especially strong and is a key concept used to evaluate a planet's strength in a birth chart.
Rashi A zodiacal sign
Rashi chakra A zodiacal diagram
Sidereal Astrology Sidereal refers to a system of zodiac signs based on the constellations in the night sky.
It's different from tropical astrology, which is based on the equinoxes. Sidereal astrology is more accurate because it accounts for the Earth's axial precession and maintains the alignment between signs and constellations via corrective systems known as ayanamsas.
Vedic astrology is based on Sidereal zodiac.
Tropical Astrology Tropical astrology is a system of astrology that uses the position of the Sun relative to the seasons to define zodiac signs. It's the most popular form of Western astrology.
Western astrology is based on Tropical zodiac.