Chandrayaan-3 - Aiming for the moon again

ISRO is getting ready with Chandrayaan-3 mission that will carry state-of-the-art scientific gadgets to study the moon's surface and atmosphere.

Isro recently announced that it will launch Chandrayaan-3 at 2.35pm on July 14. Chandrayaan-3 is a planned third lunar exploration mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation. It will consist of a lander and a rover similar to Chandrayaan-2, but would not have an orbiter.
The name "Chandrayaan" means "Moon Craft" or "Moon Chariot" in Sanskrit.

Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2, which was India's first mission to soft land on the moon.

Chandrayaan-3 will send a lander and rover from the spaceport of Sriharikota, off India’s east coast, to a site near the Moon’s south pole.

The Chandrayaan-3 lander will be equipped with four throttle-able engines, unlike Vikram on Chandrayaan-2 which had five 800 Newtons engines with a fifth one being centrally mounted with a fixed thrust. Additionally, the Chandrayaan-3 lander will be equipped with a Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV). The impact legs are made stronger compared to Chandrayaan-2 and increased instrumentation redundancy. ISRO is working on improving the structural rigidity and adding multiple contingency systems.

The Chandrayaan-3 rover will be similar to the 'Pragyaan' rover that was part of the Chandrayaan-2 mission. Pragyaan means "wisdom" in Sanskrit. However, the Chandrayaan-3 rover will be equipped with a number of new instruments, including a drill that will allow it to collect samples from below the lunar surface.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission will also carry a number of scientific instruments to study the moon's surface, atmosphere, and interior. These instruments will help scientists to better understand the moon's formation and evolution, as well as its potential for future human exploration.

There is no water on the Moon and there is no air to breathe, which means that astronauts must bring all of their water and oxygen with them. There are also no plants or animals on the Moon, so astronauts must bring all of their food with them as well. Despite these challenges, moon missions will continue to be undertaken in the future due to the technological and geopolitical importance associated with them.

As per ISRO's Chairman Somanath S., the objective of the mission is to demonstrate safe landing and roving on the moon’s surface.

The estimated landing date is Aug 23, 2023

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