
In any language, sentences are formed by words which in turn are formed by letters (sounds). In Sanskrit, these letters/sounds are called वर्ण. वर्ण are classified into स्वर​ swar (vowels) and व्यन्जन​ vyanjan (consonants)

According to Patanjali, स्वयम् राजन्ते इति स्वरा: (swayam rajante iti swarah). This means swaras are those which embellish themselves. They don't need any support for their pronounciation.
There are 9 swar in total. स्वराः (swaraha) are segregated into ह्रस्व स्वर​ and दीर्घ स्वर

Trascription as per IAST

ह्रस्व स्वराः
Transcription a i u
दीर्घ स्वराः
Transcription ā ī ū e ai o au
स्वराश्रितौ अं अः

There are 33 व्यञ्जन in Sanskrit.

Transcription k kh g gh
Transcription c ch j jh ñ
Transcription ṭh ḍh
Transcription t th d dh n
Transcription p ph b bh m
विशिष्ट व्यन्जन
Transcription y r l v
विशिष्ट व्यन्जन
Transcription ś s h