
तस्य स्थित्वा कथमपि पुरः कौतु​काधानहेतोः
अन्तर्बाष्पश्चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ ।
मेघालोके भवति सुखिनोऽप्यन्यथावृत्ति चेतः
कण्ठाश्लेषप्रणयिनि जने किं पुनर्दूरसंस्थे ॥
Let us first identify verb(s) in the above stanza and then rearrange other words.
There are two verbs - भवति
Let us rearrange the words to get a sense of the meaning.
कथमपि स्थित्वा पुरः कौतुकाधानहेतोः तस्य राजराजस्य अनुचरो अन्तर्बाष्प: चिरम् दध्यौ। मेघालोके सुखिनः अपि चेतःअन्यथावृत्ति भवति। कण्ठाश्लेषप्रणयिनि जने दूरसंस्स्थे किम पुनः?
Word Analysis:
तस्य - his
स्थित्वा - having stood there
कथमपि - somehow
पुरः - earlier
कौतु​क - appreciation
आधानहेतोः - with the purpose of bearing, impregnating, causing, effecting (root धा)
अन्तर्बाष्प: - containing or suppressing tears, suppressed tears, inward tears
चिरम् - long time
अनुचरो - companion, attendant, servant, following
राजराजस्य - king of the kings
दध्यौ - meditation
मेघालोके - at the appearance or sight of clouds
भवति - happens
सुखिनोऽप्यन्यथावृत्ति -
चेतः - Consciousness, mind, sense
कण्ठ - throat
आश्लेष - embrace, cling to
प्रणयिनि - longing for
जने - in people
किं - what
पुनर्दूरसंस्थे - distant, being at a distance, remote, far away
Having stood there somehow for some time, with a view (in front of him) that would cause appreciation, (but) with suppressed tears (sadness in his heart), his king of king's follower (servant) thought for a long time (fell into a deep trance). (He thought) Even in case of happy people (staying with their loved ones), the sight of a cloud would fill their mind with different emotions, what it will do to people who are far away (from loved one) and want to embrace (her) by throat (cling to her).