
प्रत्यासन्ने नभसि दयिताजीवितालम्बनार्थी
जीमूतेन स्वकुशलमयीं हरयिष्यन् प्रवृत्तिम् ।
स प्रत्यग्रैः कुटजकुसुमैः कल्पितार्घाय तस्मै
प्रीतः प्रीतिप्रमुखवचनं स्वागतं व्याजहार ॥
Let us rearrange the words to get a sense of the meaning.
प्रत्यासन्ने नभसि दयिताजीवितालम्बनार्थी स्वकुशलमयीं प्रवृत्तिम् जीमूतेन हरयिष्यन् स प्रीतः प्रीतिप्रमुखवचनं स्वागतं व्याजहार कल्पितार्घाय तस्मै प्रत्यग्रैः कुटजकुसुमैः॥
Word Analysis:
प्रत्यासन्ने - being proximate, being near
नभसि - month of rainy season
दयिता - wife
आजीविता - for life
आलम्बनार्थी - in order to support
जीमूत - cloud
स्वकुशलमयीं - own well being
हरय - carry, take, send
इष्यन् - wish
प्रवृत्तिम् - news
स - he
प्रत्यग्रैः - fresh
कुटजकुसुमैः - kutaja (गिरिमल्लिका) flowers
कल्पितार्घाय - planned reception of a guest तस्मै - for him
प्रीतः - well pleased प्रीतिप्रमुखवचनं - before utterance in a friendly manner स्वागतं - welcome
व्याजहार - conveyed
Rainy season being near, (he) desired to support his wife for life, wishing to send the news of his well being (to her) through the cloud; he, (therefore) well pleased, conveyed a welcome before speaking in a friendly manner and (then) offered fresh kutaja flowers (to the cloud).