
धूमज्योतिः सलिलमरुतां संनिपातः क्व मेघः
संदेशार्थाः क्व पटुकरणैः प्राणिभिः प्रापणीयाः।
इत्यौत्सुक्यादपरिगणयन् गुह्यकस्तं ययाचे
कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु ॥
Let us rearrange the words to get a sense of the meaning.
मेघः धूमज्योतिः सलिलमरुतां संनिपातः क्व संदेशार्थाः क्व पटुकरणैः प्राणिभिः प्रापणीयाः। इत्यौत्सुक्यादपरिगणयन् गुह्यकस्तं ययाचे कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु ॥
Word Analysis:
धूम - smoke
ज्योतिः - light
सलिल - water
मरुतां - wind/air
संनिपातः - mixture
क्व - how, where
मेघः - cloud
संदेशार्थाः - for sending message
पटु - skillful
करणैः - by making/doing, producing
प्राणिभिः - by a living being/creature
प्रापणीयाः - conveying, reaching, extending to
इत्यौत्सुक्यात् - on account of his anxiety
अपरिगणयन् - unable to reckon/consider
गुह्यकस्तं - Yakṣas, the attendants of Kubera
ययाचे - requests, begs, urges
कामार्ता हि - he being lovesick
प्रकृति - nature
कृपणा - helpless, unable to discriminate
चेत​नाचेतनेषु - between animate and inanimate nature
How a cloud which is a mixture of smoke, light, water and air, carry a message like it is done by a living being/creature with skillful organs? Being unable to reckon this fact on account of his lovesickness, Yakṣa urges (the cloud); for those afflicted by love are unable to discriminate between animate as well as inanimate nature.