
जातं वंशे भुवनविदिते पुष्करावर्तकानां
जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः ।
तेनार्थित्वं त्वयि विधिवशाद्दूरबन्धुर्गतोऽहं
याच्ञा मोघा वरमधिगुणे नाधमे लब्धकामा ॥
Let us rearrange the words to get a sense of the meaning.
भुवनविदिते पुष्करावर्तकानां वंशे जातं त्वां मघोनः प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं जानामि।
विधिवशात् दूरबन्धुर्गतोऽहं त्वयि तेनार्थित्वं वरमधिगुणे मोघा याच्ञा नाधमे लब्धकामा॥
Word Analysis:
जातं - born
वंशे - in the race, lineage
भुवन - The world
विदिते - known/renowned
पुष्करावर्तकानां - of the Pushkar and Avartak (पुष्कर means water/a kind of cloud)
जानामि - I know
प्रकृतिपुरुषं - The main officer
कामरूपं - who can assume any form as desired
मघोनः - of Indra (मघवन् - The God Indra)
विधिवशात् - Due to fate
दूरबन्धुर्गतोऽहं - I am away from kinsmen
त्वयि - in/on you
तेन - for that reason
अर्थित्वम् - begging, requesting
याच्ञा - A request, petition
मोघा - futile, fruitless, useless
वरम - better, preferable
अधिगुणे - possessing superior qualities, worthy, meritorious
न - No/Don't
अधमे - Inferior, Worthless
लब्धकामा - a one who has got his desired object
You are born in the world renowned lineage of the Pushkar and Avartak clouds. I, the main officer of Indra, who can assume any form as desired, know you.
Due to my fate, I am far away from my kinsmen. For that reason, I am requesting you; for a futile/fruitless request to worthy person is better than obtaining the wish (desire) from a Inferior/worthless person.