
त्वामारूढं पवनपदवीमुद्गृहीतालकान्ताः
प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते पथिकवनिताः प्रत्ययादाश्वसन्त्यः ।
कः संनद्धे विरहविधुरां त्वय्युपेक्षेत जायां
न स्यादन्योऽप्यहमिव जनो यः पराधीनवृत्तिः ॥
Let us rearrange the words to get a sense of the meaning.
पथिकवनिताः उद्गृहीतालकान्ताः त्वामारूढं पवनपदवीम् प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते प्रत्ययादाश्वसन्त्यः ।
त्वयि संनद्धे कः विरहविधुरां जनो यः उपेक्षेत जायां स्यादन्योऽप्यहमिव न पराधीनवृत्तिः ॥
Word Analysis:
त्वाम् - to you
आरूढं - ascended, mounted
पवन - air, wind
पदवीम् - road, path
उद्गृहीत - taken up, turned back, upraised
अलकान्त​ - A ringlet, the end of a curl
प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते - will look at you
पथिकवनिताः - traveller's wives
प्रत्ययात् - from belief, from certainty
आश्वसन्त्यः - breathe, derive comfort
कः - who? which? what?
संनद्धे - near, at hand, Tied or bound together
विरह - separation, parting, especially the separation of lovers
विधुरां - distressed, filled with anxiety
त्वयि - in yourself
उपेक्षा - disregard, neglect
इत​ - Gone
जायां - to wife
न - No, not
स्यात् - perhaps
अन्यो - others
अप्यहमिव - अपि अहम् इव​ - like me also
जनो - people
यः - who, which
पराधीनवृत्तिः - dependent, subservient
The traveller's wives (wives of the people who have travelled away), with points of their locks held up, will look at you (who is) mounted in the road of the wind, and derive comfort (thinking that their loved ones would be on their way back).
Who would neglect a wife distressed by separation when you are near? Perhaps, not even (someone) like me who is in a subservient condition.